Dr Selassie Naturopathic Doctor

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New changes coming!

Here in Brooklyn, New York, we have been blessed with beautiful fall weather. 

Yet, the seasons continue to change and before you know it, it will be hot drinks, warm puffer coats and tall boots!

Keeping with the theme of new seasons, I am entering a new season in my practice!  

Here is the back story: In March of 2020, my book, Aging Brilliantly, How to Eat, Move, Rest and Socialize Your Way to Long Life was published and landed on the book shelves.  

Needless to say, most of us, including myself, were distracted that month due to the impending lockdowns.  

Fast forward – a year and a half later – we are hearing that many who are dying from the Global Pandemic are those with comorbidities.  

Having a comorbidity is living with two or more of the following: obesity, high blood sugar and high blood pressure.  

On the other hand, the ones who are really resilient and doing well during this Global Pandemic are those who are making health their priority.  

Therefore, I want to refocus my efforts on Aging Brilliantly.  

Aging brilliantly simply means focusing on your health, making it your priority, so that you can live long and well.  

In this new season, I have made some changes to start celebrating the idea of Aging Brilliantly.  

  1. Website changes will be happening to celebrate the idea of Aging Brilliantly. More on that soon!

  2. I am leading the first appointment differently: Please read the GET STARTED page to see how and sign up for the consultation if you are ready to start feeling better in your 40s, 50s and beyond.  

  3. Finally, my book, Aging Brilliantly makes for an excellent gift for someone reaching a milestone birthday or holiday gift.  You can purchase it HERE as a gift for your friends and loved ones. 

As I refocus my efforts on Aging Brilliantly, I hope to be part of changing the paradigm of Aging.  

In this society, there is a fear of getting old.  There are all kinds of serums, creams, and supplements advertised as being “anti-aging.”  

Instead, I believe it’s much more effective to embrace aging and realize that with the right, long term solutions and support, we can look better, feel great, have energy and be at a healthier state that we have ever been before.    

Take a moment to celebrate all the wonderfulness that comes with aging: more wisdom, more life, more enjoyment and with a little effort, more health! 

Dr. Selassie